Controversy of $1M dredging contract for City Park lake

Hagerstown City Park might award an estimated $1 million contract to dredge the landmark’s lower lake.

The project is expected to deepen the waterway to a depth of up to 5 feet and perhaps lead to a greater variety of fish within it. But concerns have been raised over the project, including its cost and whether the dredging would alter water flows in the lake.

If the contract is approved, work can begin next month and be completed by May. And Edwin A. & John O. Crandell Inc. of West River, Md. may become the contractor to carry out this dredging project.

Some councilmans raised several concerns, including whether dredging up against a stone wall in the lake will affect its structural integrity, whether dredging will alter the pattern of water sources feeding the lake.

But Tissue said workers will not dredge up against the lake’s stone wall. Dredging will be conducted out from the wall, which will also create a “safety bench” underwater in case anyone falls in. He emphasized that the contractor will only be removing sediment that has built up in the lake over the last 100 years.

The news is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

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