Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 461489-2016

Tender Details: Negotiated Procedure

Work Profile: The work of deepening of the sector “Rouen-Courval” on several areas.The dredging will be carried out so as not to impede on the normal channel commercial shipping, regardless of the means used to carry out the work. Deepening by limiting dredging the depths, on transport and grounding materials dredged in transit sites of the GPMR or roadway dedicated to the site according to the directives of the project management (the need to keep open several sites simultaneously), adaptation of the launch sites on the ground according to the needs of the licensee, in respect of regulation, water facilities on the right to development sites on the ground to enable the hydraulic push-backs while preserving the operation of the navigation channel of the Port of Rouen, operational sites of grounding through hydraulic support considering a contractor that is possible with the workshops of valorisation of the GPMR on transit (release of sediments by trucks) sites, clapages (incident), bathymetric surveys of the site by monitoring multibeam soundings, withdrawal of blocks or obstructions designated by management.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 15 Months

Area: France, Rouen

Posted Dated: 28/12/2016

Tender Deadline: 12.1.2017

Grand Port Maritime de Rouen, 34 boulevard de Boisguilbert, BP 4075, Rouen Cedex, 76000, France

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

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