Utah Lake marina dredging project being postponed

A $1.3 million dredging project that was to have begun in April at the marina at Utah Lake State Park is being delayed, probably until after Labor Day.

The postponement is due to a number of factors, including too few bidders in the original request, rising water levels, and concern not to interrupt the spawning season for the lake’s endangered June suckers, according to Jason Allen, manager of Utah Lake State Park.

There were also a few bidders for the job.

Allen tells the Daily Herald the first-ever dredging will involve walling off water to drain the marina.

Up to 3 feet of soil and rock will be removed to deepen the boat harbor, and work should be complete by May 2018.

Low water levels last year had the lake at its lowest level since 2004, with water at the marina at 3 feet or less.

The news is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

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