Coastal protection and dredging works in Aveiro ,Portugal

Tender Ref No: 217947-2018

Tender Details: Restricted Procedure. Reference No: PRA.18.PC05/LB

Profile: Contest limited by prior qualification for the work of sediment transposition for the optimisation of the hydrodynamic balance in the Ria de Aveiro. The present procedure aims at the conclusion of a contract for the execution of the sediment transposition contract for the optimisation of the equilibrium in Ria de Aveiro, including coastal protection works and dredging. Divided into 2 Lots: Lot 1: Canal de Ovar to Carregal, Canal de Ovar to Pardilhó and Canal da Murtosa; Lot 2: Canal de Ilhavo, Canais do Lago do Paraíso, Canais da Zona Central and Canal de Mira .

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 15 Months

Area: Portugal, Aveiro

Dated: 23/05/2018

Tender Deadline: 18/06/2018

Promoter: Polis Litoral Ria de Aveiro, S. A. (em liquidação), Parque de Exposições de Aveiro, Rua D. Manuel de Almeida Trindade, Aveiro, 3810-488, Portugal

Tel: +351 234891070; E-mail:; Fax: +351 234891071

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

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