Dredging & Disposal Works


Tender Ref No: 422355-2016

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile: Contract to carry out dredging works for the maintenance and improvement of the network managed by VNF on the Seine Basin as well as the re-mobilisation operations on the watercourse, including treatment, recovery and/or disposal of materials extracted from the internal channels. These dredging operations are carried out on all the branches and by-passes forming the waterway, navigable or not, with a view to maintaining or storing the desired anchorage for navigation or for the proper hydraulic equilibrium of the rivers. The contract also covers the cleaning operations of all ancillary works composing the feeder system of the shipping channels as well as the processing, recovery and/or disposal of the extracted materials.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 12 Months

Value: 48,000,000 EUR

Area: France, Paris

Posted Date: 2016.12.01

Tender Deadline: 2017.02.07

Promoter: Voies navigables de France, 18 quai d’Austerlitz, Paris, 75013, France

The tender information is collated by globaldredge.com – Marine Fender Supplier


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