Terminal A Extension Project Approved

An environmental assessment certificate to Rio Tinto Alcan for the Terminal A Extension project in Kitimat has been issued by Environment Minister Mary Polak and Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone.
After considering a review led by British Columbia’s Environmental Assessment Office, the decision was made.
The ministers have issued the certificate with legally enforceable conditions that have made them confident to conclude that the project will be constructed and operated in a way that ensures no significant adverse effects are likely to occur from the project.

The certificate conditions were developed followed by consultation and input from Haisla Nation, government agencies, communities, and the public.

Key conditions :
To avoid impacts to fish and fish habitat;
Control marine water quality from dredging and take action if thresholds are reached;
Control marine mammals during pile driving and prevent injury to marine mammals;
Manage and monitor the dredge disposal site, including adaptive management measures in the event that the effects of contaminants are not mitigated to the extent predicted;

Keep the services of an environmental monitor throughout the construction phase, with the authority to stop work if necessary to prevent or reduce adverse effects; and carry out measures to protect marine mammals during construction. Besides, Rio Tinto Alcan proposed a number of design changes during the environmental assessment, which based on feedback received during the process.
Various federal and provincial authorizations would be required by the Terminal A Extension project to proceed.

Besides, the Environmental Assessment Office will co-ordinate compliance management efforts with other government agencies to make sure that the office is satisfied that certificate conditions are met throughout the life of the project.

The project is the extension of the existing Terminal A wharf by up to 250 meters to accommodate bulk carriers. It will take the place of existing facilities for the import and export of bulk materials.
Besides the wharf extension, the project includes a barge ramp, tug dock, and laydown area. The project will involve dredging over for three years, with a dredge disposal site for contaminated dredged sediments and laydown soils and disposal at sea for other sediments.

Construction is expected to take over three years, with the extension in operation for more than 50 years.

Panama Canal Expansion Reaches 96Pct Completion

It is announced that the long-awaited expansion project of the canal has reached 96 percent completion by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).
According to ACP CEO/Administrator Jorge L. Quijano, reinforcements of cracked locks detected in August this year are scheduled to be completed mid-January 2016, as assured by the project’s contractor Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC). This will be followed by testing of locks reinforcements and additional testing in February.
The ACP plans to test a chartered vessel in the Atlantic locks will occur (following conversations with GUPC) in April, which means that the official inauguration of the project has been pushed back again, as World Maritime News reported earlier.
The date for the inauguration ceremony is yet to be selected, however it is expected to be in the second quarter of 2016. This will be followed by the commercial opening of the expanded canal.
“We are very close—only four percent remains to complete the project,”Quijano said.“An expansion of the Panama Canal has never been done and we should all feel very good about where we are today.”
“After a successful year, we look forward to being able to provide the benefits of the new Canal to our customers and the people of Panama.”
The new locks will allow for the passage of between 10 and 12 Neopanamax vessels in approximately 40 daily transits through the Panama Canal.

Vi Port Authority Board Oks Overruns For Dredging

The board of the Virgin Islands port authority has covered a US$2.2 million overrun in the cost of dredging around the cruise piers at the Austin Monsanto Cruise Terminal by approving reallocating funds from the 2014 Marine Capital Programme bond series.
Besides, a contract has been approved to begin a feasibility study immediately to identify at least two options for the location of a second cruise ship dock in Crown Bay, St. Thomas.
In 2014, the funding for the dredging came from bonds was issued. The board has budgeted an An initial US$3.5 million for the dredging of the entryway to the Port Authority’s cruise terminal on St Thomas. But the project is costing more than they expected before.

Whatcom Waterway Cleanup Dredging Underway

A $35 million cleanup in the Whatcom Waterway is in full swing. Port of Bellingham has just released this video that shows progress on the Whatcom Waterway dredging scheme.

Port of Oakland Dredging in Full Swing

The Port of Oakland is nearly a third of the way through its annual maintenance dredging program for 2015.

By November, the Port plans to scoop 185,000 cubic yards of sediment from 17 deep-water shipping berths. The goal of the $3.7 million projects: maintain 50-foot depths so container ships aren’t stuck in the mud.

The port said it has dredged 45,000 cubic yards of material from six berths since dredging began in August. It will clear another 140,000 yards of material from 11 additional berths.

The dredging season is restricted to this time period to protect endangered fish and fowl. Sediment dredged from Oakland berths is being deposited at the Montezuma Wetlands on Suisun Bay. The 2,400-acre marsh is being restored as a shorebird habitat.

$3M Expected for Intracoastal Waterway Dredging

Sections of the Intracoastal Waterway near the Isle of Palms and near McClellanville are expected to be dredged thanks to almost $3 million set aside for waterway maintenance.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reports that the Charleston District of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has received $2.4 million for the work. Charleston County has agreed to chip in another half million.

The Corps has received bids for the dredging and expects to finalize the contract and release details next month.