Dredging works in Netherlands

Tender Ref No: 230177-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: P-1004475

Profile: Nautical dredging of the Nieuwe Haven in Den Helder and Mokbaai in Texel. The work concerns the multi-annual maintenance dredging of the silt located in the Nieuwe Haven in Den Helder, several dredging campaigns in the Nieuwe Diep in Den Helder and the Mokbaai at Texel through the execution of dredging works.The agreement to be concluded with the contractor shall be entered into for the duration of 60 months with an option to renew twice for the duration of 36 months and twenty-four 24 months respectively. The maximum maturity is therefore 10 years. The option to renew is a unilateral option of the VASTGOEDBEDRIJF

Project Stage: Contract Award

Date of Award: 01/05/2018

Dated: 30/05/2018

Area: Netherlands, The Hague

Value: 1,480,000 EUR

Promoter: Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, Korte Voorhout 7, Den Haag, 2511 CW, Netherlands

E-mail: RVB.Aanbesteden@rijksoverheid.nl

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

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