Maintenance Dredging Works in UK, Aberdeen

Tender Ref No:174223-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference 000 – NPEQ2434

Work Profile: Macduff and Stonehaven Harbour Dredging Campaigns. Aberdeenshire Council is looking to carry out annual dredge campaigns in Macduff and Stonehaven harbours in conjunction with the existing licence for Macduff (runs until Feb 2019) and also the existing licence for Stonehaven (runs until July 2020), and the proposed subsequent renewals. Note: To register your interest and obtain additional information, please visit the PCS website at:

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period:Project Period: 48 months

Value: £190,000

Area:UK, Aberdeen

Posted Dated: 19/04/2018

Tender Deadline: 04/06/2018 – 12:00 Hrs

Promoter: Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB16 5GB E-mail:

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

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