Ministry of Transport in Tanzania is planning to expand the Port of Dar es Salaam by building five new piers with a length of 300 metres.  The Port of Dar Es Salaam is Tanzania’s principal port and handles about 95% of its international trade.

Previously, the government has already made major improvements at the port through the US$421 million Dar Es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project (DMGP), which was launched in 2017 and financed by the World Bank and other partners.

The scheme included the construction of a new roll-on, roll-off terminal, which began operations in 2021, as well as deepening the existing berths 1-7, deepening and widening the entrance channel to the harbour basin and turning circle, improving rail linkages and constructing a cargo rail terminal.

Environmental and social impact assessments for the dredging, deepening and strengthening of berths 8-11 have been completed and work is ongoing on the feasibility study.

Port Of Dar Es Salaam

Location: Tanzania

Contact: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT Tanzania Building Agency (TBA) House, 1st Floor, Moshi Street, P. o Box 2888, 40470 Dodoma. Tel:+255262322251

Deadline: 2026-12-31

The news is edited by Nanjing Deers, if you have any questions, welcome to contact us.

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