Buffalo Harbor Maintenance Dredging

This dredging maintenance project is to deepen Buffalo Harbor, which is situated in Buffalo, the second-largest city in the U.S. state of New York and the largest city in Western New York. The post date of this contract information online is July 29, 2019, and this contract is archived on July 31, 2019. In this […]

The image of Matanzas Inlet

Intracoastal Waterway Jacksonville To Miami Florida Maintenance Dredging 12-foot Project

This dredging maintenance project is to deepen and Intracoastal waterway from Jacksonville to Miami in the vicinity of Matanzas Inlet and Flagler County, Florida. Jacksonville is centered on the banks of the St. Johns River in the First Coast region of northeast Florida. It is also the most populous city in Florida, the most populous […]

Waterway dredging in Germany

Tender Ref No: 295733-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: 2018 / 111 / 007 Profile: Dredging Works of waterways. Lot 1: dredging 86 000 m3 of mobile soils (sand / silt), moving to the landfill site in the Baltic Sea (distance up to 34 km), relocating; Lot 2: excavate 11,000 m3 of mobile soils […]

Port Maintenance Dredging in Spain

Tender Ref No: 274782-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: 655-PH Profile: Openwork maintenance dredging in the inland waters of the Port of Huelva. The works consist essentially of the execution of the dredging necessary for the maintenance of the drafts in the channel and the docks of the Port of Huelva Project Stage: Tenders […]

Maintenance dredging works in Lithuania

Tender Ref No: 274497-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure Profile: The object of the contract is to carry out maintenance dredging works in Klaipeda State Seaport waters from location PK-17 to PK110a Project Stage: Contract Award Date of Award: 18/06/2018 Value: 4,049,586 EUR Area: Lithuania, Klaipeda Promoter: Valstybes imone Klaipedos valstybinio juru uosto direkcija, J. Janonio […]

Waterway dredging services in Antwerp

Tender Ref No: 246340-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: Maritieme Toegang-MT/02081-F02_0 Profile: Contract for carrying out sweep dredging works, clearing all kinds of floating wood and objects, and clearing oil on the water surface. The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full directaccess, free of charge, at: https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/preViewNotice.do?noticeId=311223 Project Stage: Tenders Invited Project […]

Dredging Works in Novi Sad

Tender Ref No: 251950-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: HUSRB/1602/11/0010-TD-02 Profile: The subject of this contract is sludge and vegetation removal from Jegricka channel at section 44+015km to 46+673 km and 29+588 km to 37+892 km which represent an issue in terms of operation of main watercourse function. Sludge removal at section 44+015 km […]

Port dredging works in Gdynia

Tender Ref No: 235662-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: ZP-ASc-3800-24/18 Profile: Execution of dredging works on the Port of Wladyslawowo. 1. The subject of the order is the execution of a task consisting of dredging in the fairway approaching the Port of Wladyslawowo. Planned pre-treatment works will be carried out on a track about […]

Maintenance dredging works in Strasbourg

Tender Ref No: 242568-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: 18_22DVD_PPI-CTED Profile: Dredging works, campaign 2018, in the various areas of the Port of Strasbourg, with grounding and drying of the sludge before evacuation towards a suitable treatment or disposa. Optional: Similar services may be provided by the contract holder: conditions identical to the initial […]

Dredging works in Netherlands

Tender Ref No: 230177-2018 Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: P-1004475 Profile: Nautical dredging of the Nieuwe Haven in Den Helder and Mokbaai in Texel. The work concerns the multi-annual maintenance dredging of the silt located in the Nieuwe Haven in Den Helder, several dredging campaigns in the Nieuwe Diep in Den Helder and the […]