Dredging project in Newark Bay, New Jersey

Solicitation No.:W912DS18B0006

Notice Type:Presolicitation

Work Description:The New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) proposes to perform maintenance dredging of portions of the Newark Bay, New Jersey Federal Navigation Project. The dredged material would be processed and subsequently transported to and placed at a contractor furnished, State permitted upland placement site(s). The proposed maintenance dredging would remove approximately 187,260 cubic yards (CY) of selected critical shoals from the Main and Port Elizabeth Channels of Newark Bay. Dredging in these channels would be required to a depth of -50 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) plus 1 foot allowable overdepth. The dredged material is expected to consist primarily of silt and clay.he work is estimated to cost between $10,000,000 and $25,000,000.

Posted Date: April 13, 2018

Due/Archive Date:-

Nation: the U.S.

Contracting Authority: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Contracting Office Address:Attn: CENAN-CT 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278-0090

United States

Point of Contact(s):Justin Helfman justin.helfman@usace.army.mil

Phone: 9177908389

Nicholas P. Emanuel P.Emanuel@usace.army.mil

Phone: 9177908069

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Coast Maintenance Dredging in Oregon

Solicitation No.:W9127N18B0010

Notice Type:Presolicitation

Work Description:

The Portland District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers intends to issue an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for dredging along the Oregon and Washington Coast and within the Lower Columbia River Estuary. Port Orford, Rogue River, and Baker Bay are the projects to be included in the solicitation. Dredge material will be placed at both designated in-water placement sites to include ocean and river disposal, as well as a designated upland placement site for a portion of the Rogue River work areas. All of the work is maintenance dredging.Port Orford is located in Curry County, Oregon. The anticipated scope at this site will include dredging and placement of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of material with placement in 404 near shore site. The environmental in-water work window is 01 May 2018 through 31 October 2018.This procurement is a total small business set-aside. The NAICS code for this procurement is 237990. The small business size standard is $27.5 million. The magnitude of construction is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000.

Posted Date:April 10, 2018

Response Date:May 24, 2018 2:00 pm Pacific

Nation:the U.S.

Contracting Authority:Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Contracting Office Address:Attn: CECT-NWP PO Box 2946 Portland, Oregon 97208-2946  United States

Point of Contact(s):David Dvorak david.l.dvorak@usace.army.mil Phone: 5038084633


The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.


Harbor dredging in Memphis

Solicitation Number:W912EQ18B0001
Notice Type:Presolicitation
Work Description:

The Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District has a requirement for the Lease of One Cutterhead Hydraulic Pipeline Dredge, fully operated with attendant plant for dredging of the Mississippi River and existing harbors within the Memphis District. The dredge shall be not less than 24-inch nominal diameter discharge and have a manufacturer’s horsepower rating for continuous operation of not less than 3,200 brake horsepower. Dredges larger than 29-inch will be considered, however, the estimated output will be based on the quantity shown for a 29- inch dredge. overnment contracts, the concern must have had average annual sales receipts for the preceding three fiscal years not exceeding $28.8 million.

Posted Date: April 9, 2018

Due/Archive Date:June 9, 2018

Nation:the U.S.

Contracting Office Address:Attn: CEMVM-CT 167 North Main Street, Room B-202 Memphis, Tennessee 38103-1894 United States

Point of Contact.:Kimberly Daniel-Ray kimberly.s.Danielray@usace.army.mil

Phone: 9015443358

The tender information is collated by ChinaRubberFender.com – Marine Fender Supplier

Dredging Works at the Port of Barrow

Tender Ref No: 077068-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
Maintenance Dredging Works (2019 to 2023) at the Port of Barrow with options to extend until 2025. The maintenance dredging works and associated surveying of the Approach Channel to the Port of Barrow, Ramsden Dock Basin, the Nº.1 Gate Hoppers and the Ramsden Dock Lock specifically to support campaigns for ABP’s customer. The contract is for an initial period commencing March 2019 to December 2023 to support
the next campaigns of maintenance dredging works and associated surveys with an option to extend annually each year there after for a further 2 years until December 2025 by giving notice 12 months in advance of the extension. There will be an estimated average dredge volume of circa 750,000m3 per annum, dependent upon actual siltation rates.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: Start: 31/03/2019 – End: 31/12/2023

Value: £15,000,000

Area: UK, London

Posted Dated: 20/02/2018

Tender Deadline: 06/04/2018 – 12:00 Hrs

Promoter: Associated British Ports, 25, Bedford Street, London, WC2E 9ES

Paul Schofield
Tel: +44 1482 608571;
E-mail: barrowdredging2019@abports.co.uk

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging of the Grand-Rivière Fishing Port

Tender Ref No: 032828-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
The works to be carried out include:
– all approach work, installation and organization of the site, supply and withdrawal of equipment necessary for the proper execution of the works and their maintenance in good working order throughout the duration of the project;
– extraction of sands at the coast requested by the Master of work then evacuation in reloading the beach of Sinai;
– daily cleaning of sites, access, and routes taken;
– marking and regulation maritime signaling;
– general cleaning, restoration of banks, fences, access;
– all supplies, water, electricity, etc.;
– realization of studies and plans of execution in particular of a precise dredging
plan and any memory necessary for the proper performance of the works;
– approval of the administrative services concerned.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 12 Months

Value: 4,000,000 EUR

Area: France, Martinique

Tender Deadline: 28/02/2018 – 12:00 Hrs

Promoter: Collectivité territoriale Martinique, CS 30137, Fort-de-France, 97201, France

Tel: +596 596596300;
E-mail: couriel@ctm-martinique.mq

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

West Bay Harbor Dredge 2018

Tender Source: West Dorset District Council, South Walks House,Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1UZ

Tender Details: Early Information

Work Profile: The contract includes dredging of the outer Harbour of West
Bay in order to reduce seabed levels by approx. 1.5m and placing the dredged arisings on West Beach.

Project Stage: Expressions of Interest

Project Start: 01/03/2018. End: 31/08/2018

Area: UK, Dorchester

Posted Dated: 17/01/2018

Deadline: For Expressions of Interest: 05/02/2018 – 12:00 Hrs

Contact: Robert Clarke
Tel: +44 1305 252294;
E-mail: RClarke@dorset.gov.uk

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.