Dredging Works at Swinoujscie

Tender Ref No: 000070-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile: The execution of construction and dredging works based on this contract, in the following scope:
a)deepening of the Swinoujscie – Szczecin route to -12.5 m on the section about 62 km;
b)reconstruction of bank slopes without reinforcements;
c)leveling of the bottom in the Swinoujscie zone;
d)construction and reconstruction of bank fortifications and hydro-technical builds together with adjacent infrastructure;
e)reconstruction of colliding industry networks;
f)deepening and widening of ships’ turntables;
g)construction of additional hydrotechnical structures and other infrastructure; construction of new artificial-silting fields on the Szczecin Lagoon with marinas, adaptation and modernisation of the existing navigation markings.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 51 Months

Area: Poland, Szczecin

Posted Dated: 03/01/2018

Tender Deadline: 27/02/2018 – 10:30 Hrs

Promoter: Dyrektor Urzedu Morskiego w Szczecinie, Plac Stefana Batorego 4, Szczecin, 70-207, Poland

Monika Czajkowska
Tel: +48 914403423;
Fax: +48 914403441;
E-mail: zamowienia@ums.gov.pl

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Massachusetts Federal Navigation Dredging Project

Solicitation No.: W912WJ18B0004

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District will be issuing an Invitation for Bids for Improvement Dredging of the Broad Sound North Entrance Channel, portions of the Main Ship Channel, President Roads Anchorage and Portions of the Reserve Channel of Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts Federal Navigation Project. This project consists of dredging approximately 11,700,000 cubic yards (cy) of silt, blue clay, till and weathered rock to improve the following components of the Federal Navigation Project for Boston Harbor: deepening and widening the Broad Sound North Channel to -51 feet Mean Lower, Low Water, deepening and widening the Main Ship Channel to the Conley Terminal including the turning basin or “MSC Notch” to -47 feet MLLW, deepening the President Roads Anchorage and deepening the lower Reserved Channel to -47 feet MLLW. The improvement depths noted above are required to be an additional two feet deep in areas of hard material like till and weathered rock.

Tender Value: $100,000,000 to $250,000,000

Tender Type: Open Procedure

Archive Date: January 18, 2018

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
696 Virginia Road
Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751
United States

Point of Contact:
Elizabeth K. Glasgow,
Contract Specialist
Phone: 9783188671
Email: elizabeth.k.glasgow@usace.army.mil

John Compton Dam Rehabilitation Project

Tender Ref No: 476408-2017
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Area: Saint Lucia, Castries
Profile: John Compton Dam rehabilitation project – Dredging of Reservoir and Transport of Sediment. The John Compton Dam (JCD) was constructed in the 1990s along the Roseau River near the village of Millet in central SaintLucia. The reservoir water storage capacity has been compromised by sedimentation, with a corresponding effect on the reliability of water supply on the island. Rehabilitation works are therefore required.

The works include but not limited to the following:
1. Implement a dredging operation to remove sediment from the reservoir
2. Design and installation of a slurry pipeline to transport sediment from the reservoir to a prepared sediment disposal area (SDA).
The SDA is the subject of another concurrent contract. The limits of the work will include mobilisation, delivery and installation of the equipment, construction of the pipe facilities, commissioning of the dredge system and operation of the dredge in the wet season.

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Tender Deadline: 05/01/2018 – 12.00 hrs

Promoter: Water and Sewerage Company

Mr Gordon Wyke, Head of Project Management Unit
Tel: +1 758 453 2790;
E-mail: gordonwyke@wascosaintlucia.com

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Nome Harbor Maintenace Dredging

Solicitation No.: W911KB-18-B-0001
Notice Type: Solicitation
Work Description: Perform maintenance dredging, placement of dredged materials using the designated beach placement site, and pre- and post-dredge surveys at Nome Harbor in Nome, Alaska for the base and options. The estimated magnitude of Construction is between $5,000,000, and $10,000,000. The Contractor is asked to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, supervision, and other items and services necessary to accomplish the work. A fuel price adjustment provision for the dredging plant is included as Time and Material CLINs.

Tender Type: Open procedure

Posted Date: November 17, 2017

Nation: United States

Contracting Authority: CEPOA-CT

Contracting Office Address:
P. O. Box 6898
JBER, Alaska 99506-6898
United States

Point of Contact:
Christine A. Dale,
Fax: 907 753-2544;
Phone: 907 753-5618;
Email: christine.a.dale@usace.army.mil

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging of Scheldt & Sensee Canal

Tender Ref No: 419984-2017
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Tender Details: Open Procedure
Work Profile:Maintenance dredging of the Scheldt canal and the Sensee Canal. The management of the dredged sediments will either be the responsibility of the company or will be placed on VNF facilities. Sediment disposal is likely to be carried out on the Noyelles-Sous-Lens storage area or transit facility (TD nº1L) in the administrative limit of the storage capacities still possible. The depositing of the sediments is also likely to be carried out on the transit and storage facility of Château l’Abbaye, provided that it is previously arranged and authorised for installation classified for the environment (ICPE).

Project Period: 48 Months

Area: France, Lille

Tender Deadline: 04/12/2017 – 12:00 Hrs

Promoter: Voies navigables de France, 37 rue du Plat BP 725, Lille Cedex, 59034, France

Cellule dragages
Tel: +33 320 154970/171962;
Fax: +33 320 154971/170431;
E-mail: CP.AJC-CP.SG.DT-Nord-Pas-de-Calais@vnf.fr;
The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.


Maintenance Dredging at US Coast Guard Station Annapolis, MD

Solicitation No.: 70Z08318BPCR01600

Notice Type: Presolicitation

Work Description:
Major areas of work include: perform before and after dredging sounding of the channel entrance and CG mooring area by a surveyor licensed from the Maryland Board of Professional Land Surveyors. Mechanically dredge the Fishing Creek Channel and mooring areas to a minimum of 9 feet MLW with 1 foot of allowable over depth. Place dredged material in sealed barges, transport and deposit material by hydraulic method in to the Maryland Port administration’s Cox Creek Dredged Material Management Area.

Tender Type: Open procedure

Posted Date: October 17, 2017

Archive Date: February 28, 2018

Nation: United States

Contracting Authority: United States Coast Guard

Contracting Office Address:
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44199-2060
United States

Verona M. Wolfe,
Contracting Officer
Phone: 216-902-6265

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.