York, Maine Dredging Project


Solicitation No.: W912WJ-17-B-0017

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
The proposed work consists of the mechanical maintenance dredging to remove shoals in the two 8-foot-deep anchorages and a portion of the 10-foot-deep entrance channel. About 40,000 cubic yards of primarily fine-grain sand, silt, and clay, with more coarse-grain sand and gravel from the channel will be dredged. The dredged material will be placed at the Cape Arundel Disposal Site, about 14 miles away. The dredge window is November 1 to March 31.

Tender Value: $1,000,000 – $5,000,000

Tender Type: Open Produce

Posted Date: September 11, 2017

Archive Date: N/A

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
696 Virginia Road
Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751
United States

Julio Hall,
Phone: 9783188035

Flanders Quay Dredging


Tender Ref No.: 329138-2017

Tender Details: Negotiated Procedure

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Work Description:
Extension of the quay of Flanders, Phase 2: Dredging. It is planned: to dredge 2,300,000m3 of sand for the 350m extension of the wharf. The dredged material will be used to fill deposit B (1,300,000m3) and coastal protection (1,000,000m3) for reloading of the Break dam beach and the Statoil site; to dredge 1,500,000m3 of sand for the execution of the additional extension of 150m which will be used for coastal protection
(900,000m3 for recharging the Break dam beach and the Statoil site, a zone of sand storage (600,000m3). Lot 1 has already been the subject of a consultation.

Posted Date: 24/08/2017

Archive Date: 11/09/2017 – 12:00 Hrs

Nation: France, Dunkirk

Project Period: 20 Months

Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, Port 2505 – 2505 route de l’Écluse Trystram – BP 46534 Dunkerque Cedex 01, 59386, France

Tel: +33 3328 287433/287479;
Fax: +33 3328 287657;
E-mail: fsanchez@portdedunkerque.fr;

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Inner Harbour Maintenance Dredging at FY 17 Brunswick


Solicitation No.: W912HN-17-B-0003
Notice Type: Tenders Awarded
Contractor Awarded Name: Southern Dredging
Contract Award Dollar Amount: $3,943,237.63
Contract Award Date: August 17, 2017
Work Description: The Brunswick Inner Harbor Contract provides construction services, including furnishing personnel, transportation, mobilization and demobilization, equipment and materials required in connection with maintenance dredging. This contract is traditionally performed with a hydraulic cutter head dredge and the duration is expected to be 60 calendar days from notice to proceed. Up to 500 thousand cubic yards of maintenance material is expected to be removed from the inner harbor. The work is located in Brunswick Harbor Georgia deep draft navigation project. Brunswick Harbor is located 70 statute miles south of the Savannah Harbor, GA, and 25 statute miles north of Fernandina Harbor, Florida (FL), in Glynn County GA. Brunswick Harbor Inner Harbor channel is 36 ft. deep MLLW and 400 ft. wide through St. Simon Sound, Brunswick River and East River.
Tender Value: between $1M and $5M
Tender Type: open procedure
Posted Date: August 22nd
Nation: the U.S.
Contracting Authority: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Contracting Office Address: Attn: CESAS-CT
100 W. Oglethorpe Ave
Savannah, Georgia 31402-0889
United States
Point of Contact(s): Aleesha D. Butler, Contracting Specialist?
aleesha.d.butler@usace.army.mil,Phone: 912-652-5293

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Maintenance Dredging at North Cove


Solicitation No.: W912WJ17B0015

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
The proposed project consists of maintenance dredging of the Congressionally-authorized Federal Navigation Project in Old Saybrook, CT. Approximately 286,000 cubic yards of predominantly silty sediment will be dredged from the 11-feet entrance channel, 11-feet anchorage, and 6-feet anchorage by the mechanical dredge. The silty dredge material will be placed in dump scows and hauled approximately 35 miles southwest by water route to Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site and placed at predesignated coordinates. The project is expected to take up 5 to 6 months to complete. All dredging operations in the entrance channel shall occur between October 1, 2017, and March 10, 2018, to minimize impact to natural resources in the area.

Tender Type: Open Produce

Posted Date: Aug 18, 2017

Due Date: N/A

Nation: USA

Contracting Authority: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Contracting Office Address:
696 Virginia Road
Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751
United States

Jessica Loc
Phone: 9783188678
Email: jessica.r.loc@usace.army.mil

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging Works in Dublin


MCJ Ref No:1097/X/34

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile: This project is to dredge in An Daingean Harbour and Navigation Channel, Co. Kerry. The detailed works are as follows: dredging of approx.37,200 cubic meters of silt and sand, which needs to be dumped at a prescribed sea location; dredging and disposal of approx.28,500 cubic meters of gravels and rock and approx.8,300 cubic meters of contaminated silts and sands; relocation of the existing buoys and navigational aids at the harbor.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Area: Ireland, Dublin

Posted Dated: 03/08/2017

Tender Deadline: 25/08/2017-12:00 Hrs

Promoter: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

Noel O’Murchu ;
Tel: +353 1 6072463;
E-mail: procurement@agriculture.gov.ie
The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Maintenance Dredging at Kauai, Hawaii


Solicitation No.: W9128A-17-B-0004

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
This project is to maintain safe navigation at Kikaola Light Draft Harbor. Accumulation of sediments within KLDH has resulted in shoaling within the harbor’s entrance and access channels. This maintenance dredging project is needed to restore KLDH to its designed depths and ensure continued safe vessel navigation.The estimated performance of period is 566 calendar days.

Tender Value: $1,000,000 – $5,000,000.

Tender Type: Open Produce

Posted Date: Aug 11,2017

Due Date: September 13, 2017

Nation: USA

Contracting Authority: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Contracting Office Address:
Attn: CECT-POH Building 230 Fort Shafter,
Hawaii 96858-5540, United States

Colin Waki
Phone: 808-835-4393
Email: colin.k.waki@usace.army.mil

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.