Charleston Entrance Channel Maintenance Dredging


Solicitation No.: W912HP-17-B-0004

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
The work is located in Charleston County, South Carolina. The work consists of the removal material within the existing maintenance prism, to accommodate the current authorized depth of -54 feet MLLW for a portion of the Charleston Harbor Entrance Channel. The period of is based on the average production rate of 350,000 cubic yards of payable dredged material per month. The current projected volume of material to be removed is approximately 13.5 Million Cubic Yards (MCY). This work includes the dredging of sand, silt, gravel, and limestone rock to the required depth within the defined dredge prism, including channel wings and all associated side slopes.

Tender Value: $250,000,000 – $500,000,000.

Tender Type: Open Procedure

Posted Date: 22/07/2017

Archive Date: December 31, 2017

Nation: USA

Contracting Authority:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Contracting Office Address:
69-A Hagood Avenue
Charleston, South Carolina 29403-5107
United States

Point of Contact:
Amy S. Rivers
Phone: 8433298113

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging Works at Lübeck


Tender Ref No: 251360-2017

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile: Dredging maintenance work at Lübeck, Germany. This project is going to remove sand/silt to the dumping point in the Baltic Sea (sample distance up to 36 km) and dredging another 13,000 m3 mobile soils (sand / silt).

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 01/11/2017 – 13/04/2018

Area: Germany, Lübeck

Posted Dated: 13/07/2017

Tender Deadline: 05/09/2017 – 14:00 Hrs

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Lübeck, 111, Moltkeplatz 17, Lübeck, 23566, Germany

Tel: +49 451-62080
Fax: +49 451-6208190

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging Works in Utrecht


Tender Ref No: 232954-2017

Tender Details: Reference No: 31130360

Work Profile: This dredging project will deepening of the new waterway and Botlek in Rotterdam. Rijkswaterstaat Programs, Projects and Maintenance and Port of Rotterdam Authority NV invite market participants to participate in this consultation. In order to participate in this tendering procedure, the requirement for eligibility of the contract is that the tenderer must have dredging equipment suitable for the work area. This project estimated to dredged to a depth of at least -20m.

Project Stage: Early Information

Area: Netherlands, Utrecht

Posted Dated: 28/06/2017

Tender Deadline: N/A

Rijkswaterstaat Programma’s, Projecten en Onderhoud, 82067183, Griffioenlaan 2, Utrecht 3526 LA, Netherlands.

Freek den Boer
Tel: +31 611526934;

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.


Dredging of Military Ocean Terminal


Solicitation No.: W912PM-17-B-0010

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description: The contract is dredging of Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, Brunswick County, North Carolina. The work will consist of removal and disposal of shoaled material that has accumulated in the basins and channels. Dredging depths are 34 feet plus 2 feet of allowable overdepth and 38 feet plus 2 feet of allowable overdepth. Disposal of dredged material shall be in the Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site. The work shall also include maintenance dredging of the security boat basin with the depth of 12 feet and another 2 feet are allowable. The dredging window for the security boat basin is 1 October to 31 March.

Tender Value: $5,000,000 – $10,000,000.00

Posted Date: June 27,2017

Archive Date: N/A

Nation: USA

Contracting Authority: Department of the Army

Contracting Office:
CESAW-CT, 69 Darlington Ave
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343
United States

Rosalind Shoemaker
Phone: 9102514436

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Harbour Dredging Project


Tender Ref No: 222669-2017

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
The works will comprise the following: Environmental dredging of approximately 24,500m3 of contaminated marine sediments. Removal of an existing stockpile of inert clay (circa 13,000m3) from the harbour. Putting in place all necessary waste permits, licences or permissions required to lawfully stabilise the dredged material and remove it from site for re-use or disposal. Stabilisation of the dredge material within the Fishery Harbour Centre. Removal of the stabilised material from site for re-use or disposal.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 8 Months

Value: 4,500,000 EUR

Area: Ireland, Ballyshannon

Posted Dated: 21/06/2017

Tender Deadline: 10.7.2017 – 14:00 hrs

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Upper Main Street, Ballyshannon, County Donegal Ireland.

John Campbell
Tel: +353 71 985 8520
Fax: +353 71 985 2563

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Thomas Basin Maintenance Dredging Project


Solicitation No.: W911KB-17-R-0051

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
Perform pre- and post-dredge surveys, maintenance dredging, and disposal of contaminated dredge material for Thomas Basin in Ketchikan, Alaska. Transportation and disposal of the contaminated dredged material at a suitable upland site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor is to furnish all labor, equipment, supplies, materials, supervision, and other items/services necessary to accomplish the work.

Posted Date: June 19, 2017

Due/Archive Date: N/A

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
P. O. Box 6898
JBER, Alaska 99506-6898
United States

Point of Contact:
Au Nguyen,
Contract Specialist
Phone: (907) 753-5754

The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.