West Coast Hopper Dredging Contract


Solicitation Number: W9127N-17-B-0005

Notice Type: Award

Contractor Awarded Name: Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC

Contractor Awarded Address:
2122 York Rd Ste 200
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-1923
United States

Contract Award Date: April 18, 2017

Contract Award Number: W9127N-17-C-0018

Contractor Awarded DUNS: 006930358

Work Description:
This dredging project includes hopper dredging work at four locations, to include Humboldt Bay Bar and Entrance, California; Coos Bay, Oregon; Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington; and the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington from River Mile 3+00 to 105+00.
Approximately 4,050,000 cubic yards will be dredged as mandatory line items, with additional optional items depending on project needs and funding availability. This solicitation is subject to the availability of funds. Dredged material will be placed at designated in-water placement sites, including ocean and river disposal. Dredging will occur in California, Oregon, and Washington. Water Quality Monitoring will be required in accordance with the current water quality certificates. Contract award is scheduled for late March or early April 2017, with dredging work beginning in May 2017, and anticipated completion in October 2017.

Posted Date: April 18, 2017

Archive Date: May 3, 2017

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
PO Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946
United States

Place of Performance:
Humboldt Bay, California; Coos Bay, Oregon; Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington; the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
David C. Boone,
Contract Specialist
Phone: 5038084614

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

Maintenance Dredging of Alafia River


Solicitation Number: W912EP-17-Z-0013

Notice Type: Sources Sought

Work Description: The Jacksonville District of the US Army Corps of Engineers is contemplating a project that consists of dredging services for work that consists of maintenance dredging of approximately 115,000 cubic yards of shoal material from Alafia River Channel and critical areas of Manatee Harbor. Project work will be divided into a Base plus four (4) Options that incorporates one foot of allowable overdepth. Alafia River Channel consists of dredging shoal materail from the Base and one (1) Option and disposal of material into the Dredge Material Placement Facility 3-D (DMPF 3-D). Manatee Harbor consists of dredging shoal material of three (3) Options and placed material in the designated Manatee Harbor upland disposal area.

Posted Date: April 17, 2017

Archive Date: May 16, 2017

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019
United States

Place of Performance:
Hillsborough, Florida
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
Tonya M. Rogers,
Contract Specialist
Phone: 9042321084

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

Canal Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 119712-2017

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Profile: Dredging works on the canal between Champagne and Bourgogne (CCB). The work consists of restoring the navigable channel of the length of canal between Champagne and Bourgogne by dredging and transporting the extracted material to deposition zones to the following location at which the dredging works are carried out.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Value: 1,500,000 EUR

Area: France, Nancy

Dated: 31/03/2017

Tender Deadline: 02/05/2017

Promoter: Voies navigables de France, 169 rue Charles III, CO 80062, Nancy Cedex, 54036, France

Contact: E-mail: ampf.dt-Nord-est@vnf.fr;

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

Dredging Project of Delaware River


Solicitation Number: W912BU-17-B-0009

Notice Type: Presolicitation

Work Description:
The Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, intends to award a firm fixed contract will consist of maintenance and new work dredging within the Delaware River main navigation channel and placement of the dredged material in the Oldmans Confined Disposal Facility:

• Dredging work will be required in portions of the Tinicum, Eddystone, Chester, Marcus Hook, and Bellevue Ranges of the Delaware River main channel from Station 90+000 to Station 155+000 and in a portion of the Marcus Hook Anchorage;

• Dredging shall be required to a depth of 45 feet below MLLW (47 feet below MLLW from approximately Station 119+500 to Station 128+500) plus 1-foot allowable over depth within the contract work limits;

• The side slope dredging requirements for this project are 3H to 1V within the contract work limits; (d) The total estimated dredging quantity is 4.0 million cubic yards with approximately 1.5 million cubic yards in the base contract and 2.5 million cubic yards in Options;

• Award of this contract is subject to the availability of funds;

• All work and services in the base contract and Option 1 shall be completed no later than December 31, 2017; all work and services in Option 2 shall be completed no later than December 1, 2018.

Posted Date: April 5, 2017

Archive Date: June 3, 2017

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
100 Penn Square East
Wanamaker Bldg (RM 643)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3390
United States

Place of Performance:
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
Robert R Hilton
Phone: 2156566911

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

Port Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 104284-2017

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:Dredging work in the Port of Hamburg – Shipments of dredged material to the North Sea. The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) is responsible, among other things, for the water depth maintenance of the harbour’s accessibility to the sea. In order to ensure sufficient water depth, it is necessary to clear several million cubic meters of cohesive organic sediments (silt) from the port areas and the port basin each year, and to convert them into the aquatic environment.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: Start: 01/06/2017 – End: 15/11/2017

Area: Germany, Hamburg

Posted Date: 21/03/2017

Tender Deadline: 19.4.2017

Promoter:HPA Hamburg Port Authority AöR, Brooktorkai 1, Hamburg, 20457, Germany

Contact: Katja Monréal
Tel: +49 40/42847-2926;
E-mail: ZentralerEinkauf@hpa.hamburg.de;
Fax: +49 40/42847-2305

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

Maintenance Dredging of Wilmington Harbor


Solicitation Number: W912PM-17-B-0001

Notice Type: Presolicitation

Work Description:
Maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel reaches includes Smith Island Channel and Baldhead Shoal Channel Reach 2. The dredging shall be accomplished by hydraulic cutter suction dredge and/or hopper dredge. Dredging depths are 44′ plus 2′ of allowable overdepth. The estimated quantity of material to be dredged is approximately 500,000 cubic yards. The dredged material shall be placed on the beach at Oak Island. All beach work is to be completed during the established environmental window of 16 November 2017 through 30 April 2018. The environmental window for hopper dredging is 1 December through 31 March. The work will include shaping the beach fill and pre and post construction beach surveys.

Posted Date: March 20, 2017

Due Date: March 31, 2018

Nation: USA

Contracting Office Address:
CESAW-CT, 69 Darlington Ave
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343
United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
Rosalind Shoemaker
Phone: 9102514436

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier