West Coast Hopper Dredging Project


Solicitation Number: W9127N-17-B-0005

Notice Type: Presolicitation

Work Description:This dredging project includes hopper dredging work at four locations, to include Humboldt Bay Bar and Entrance, California; Coos Bay, Oregon; Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington; and the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington from River Mile 3+00 to 105+00.

Approximately 4,050,000 cubic yards will be dredged as mandatory line items, with additional optional items depending on project needs and funding availability. This solicitation is subject to the availability of funds. Dredged material will be placed at designated in-water placement sites, including ocean and river disposal.

Contract award is scheduled for late March or early April 2017, with dredging work beginning in May 2017, and anticipated completion in October 2017.

Posted Date: January 13, 2017
Archive Date: March 22, 2017

Nation: USD

Contracting Office Address:
PO Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946
United States

Place of Performance: Humboldt Bay, California; Coos Bay, Oregon; Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington; the Columbia River, Oregon/Washington United States

Primary Point of Contact.:
David C. Boone,
Contract Specialist
Phone: 5038084614

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 461489-2016

Tender Details: Negotiated Procedure

Work Profile: The work of deepening of the sector “Rouen-Courval” on several areas.The dredging will be carried out so as not to impede on the normal channel commercial shipping, regardless of the means used to carry out the work. Deepening by limiting dredging the depths, on transport and grounding materials dredged in transit sites of the GPMR or roadway dedicated to the site according to the directives of the project management (the need to keep open several sites simultaneously), adaptation of the launch sites on the ground according to the needs of the licensee, in respect of regulation, water facilities on the right to development sites on the ground to enable the hydraulic push-backs while preserving the operation of the navigation channel of the Port of Rouen, operational sites of grounding through hydraulic support considering a contractor that is possible with the workshops of valorisation of the GPMR on transit (release of sediments by trucks) sites, clapages (incident), bathymetric surveys of the site by monitoring multibeam soundings, withdrawal of blocks or obstructions designated by management.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 15 Months

Area: France, Rouen

Posted Dated: 28/12/2016

Tender Deadline: 12.1.2017

Grand Port Maritime de Rouen, 34 boulevard de Boisguilbert, BP 4075, Rouen Cedex, 76000, France

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Port Engineering Works


Tender Ref No: 464451-2016

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
Contract for the project of upgrading and extension of the Port des Heures Claires in Istres – revival of Lot No. 3. Based on an overall analysis and urban planning, the commune of Istres is committed in the requalification of spaces and public facilities. The revaluation of the Port des Heures Claires Marina is one of the key points. When re-structuring the town of Istres, the Port des Heures Claires occupies a strategic position on l’Étang de Berre.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 28 Months

Area: France, Istres

Posted Date: 2016.12.30

Tender Deadline: 2017.02.06

Ville d’Istres, Hôtel de Ville, 1 esplanade Bernardin Laugier, CS 97002, Istres, 13808, France

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredge McFarland – Lube Oil Delivery


Solicitation Number: W912BU-17-T-0007

Notice Type: Award

Contract Award Date: December 30, 2016

Contract Award Number: W912BU-17-P-0022

Contractor Awarded Name:

Contractor Awarded Address:
VIRGINIA BEACH , Virginia 23462-5314
United States

Work Profile:
Hopper Dredge McFarland
Lube Oil Delivery
Quantity: 9,000 Gallons – SAE 40 MIL-PRF-2104K Engine Lubricating Oil.
Request is for 9,000 gallons of SAE 40 MIL-PRF-2104K Engine Lubricating Oil for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hopper Dredge McFARLAND.
The Lube Oil is to be delivered by barge or tanker truck(s) to the Dredge McFARLAND at Colonna’s Shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia.
Supplier must meet the requirements listed under 33 CFR.154. Supplier shall have 200′ of hose and both female and male 2″ cam lock fittings.
Contractor shall provide certification that lubricating oil meets MIL-PRF-2014K standards.

Posted Date: December 30, 2016

Archive Date: January 14, 2017

Nation: USA

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Maintenance Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 442747-2016

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Description: The works to be carried out is dredging for the maintenance and restoration of the required nominal depths and widths in the fairway and in the fairway of the outside bodies. The total output includes the dredging of 19,000,000m3 within a 2-year contract period. The following services are also to be awarded in the negotiation process: A) Repeat order for 1 year; B) Repeat order for 6 months; B) 6 dredging campaigns, with a volume of 1,000,000m3 each.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: Start: 01/05/2017 – End: 30/04/2019

Area: Germany, Cuxhaven

Posted Date: 2016.12.16

Tender Deadline: 2017.02.02

Promoter: Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Cuxhaven, Am Alten Hafen 2, Cuxhaven, 27472, Germany

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Dredging & Disposal Works


Tender Ref No: 422355-2016

Tender Details: Open Procedure

Work Profile: Contract to carry out dredging works for the maintenance and improvement of the network managed by VNF on the Seine Basin as well as the re-mobilisation operations on the watercourse, including treatment, recovery and/or disposal of materials extracted from the internal channels. These dredging operations are carried out on all the branches and by-passes forming the waterway, navigable or not, with a view to maintaining or storing the desired anchorage for navigation or for the proper hydraulic equilibrium of the rivers. The contract also covers the cleaning operations of all ancillary works composing the feeder system of the shipping channels as well as the processing, recovery and/or disposal of the extracted materials.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: 12 Months

Value: 48,000,000 EUR

Area: France, Paris

Posted Date: 2016.12.01

Tender Deadline: 2017.02.07

Promoter: Voies navigables de France, 18 quai d’Austerlitz, Paris, 75013, France

The tender information is collated by globaldredge.com – Marine Fender Supplier