Port Dredging Works


Tender Ref No: 341584-2016

Tender Type: Restricted Procedure

Work Profile:
This is a large project to be undertaken in the Port of Naples: Logistics and Ports – Integrated Ports, excavating the seabed of the port area with deposits of dredged materials to be made in a confined disposal area on reclaimed land in the east dock.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Area: Italy, Naples

Value: 37,554,392 EUR

Project Period: 690 Days

Post Date: 2016.10.01

Due Date: 2016.10.31

Promoter: Autorità portuale di Napoli, P.le Carlo Pisacane – interno Porto, 80133 Napoli, Italy

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Santa Barbara Harbor Maintenence Dredging


Solicitation Number: W912PL-16-B-0006

Notice Type: Solicitation

Work Description:
Santa Barbara Harbor Maintenance Dredging, Santa Barbara County, CA Construction services will consist of dredging and disposal of material from the federal navigation channels in Santa Barbara Harbor, specifically the entrance and approach channels with disposal of material on down coast beaches. Dredging at Santa Barbara Harbor occurs biannually, generally in the late fall and early spring. Dredging will occur in depths up to -35′ MLLW in an exposed, open ocean environment. For the past 15 years, the Santa Barbara County APCD has only allowed electric dredges to work inside Santa Barbara Harbor.

Tender Value: $5,000,000.00 – $10,000,000.00.

Post Date: September 30, 2016

Due Date: October 28, 2016

Nation: USA

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

River Channel Dredging Works


Reference No: GHIJ.406010.60

Tender Type: Open Procedure

Work Profile:
The object of the contract is the dredging and thus widening of the IJssel River channel, which has a length of approx. 32.5 ks. There should be approx. 260,000m3 of in situ material (debris) to be dredged. The work is expected to complete on 31.12.2018.

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: Starting 3.4.2017 – Completion 31.12.2018

Post Date: 28.09.2016

Due Date: 17.11.2016

Area: Netherlands, Houten

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Clamshell Dredging on Cumberland River


Solicitation Number: W912P5-16-B-0013

Notice Type: Award

Contractor Awarded Name: Amherst Madison, Inc.

Contract Award Dollar Amount: $718,140.00

Work Description:
Work shall consist of clamshell dredging in the navigational channel of the Cumberland River:
1) Approximately 250,000 CY of dredge material is to be dredged from the navigational river channel by clamshell only dredge and placed in an open water placement areas that will be identified.
2) Government Furnished Split hull Dump Scow Barges will be provided for contractor use during this project.
3) Dredge material characteristics are expected to be primarily sand and silt, however other materials such as debris, gravel and coble may be encountered.

Post Date: September 21, 2016

Due Date: October 6, 2016

Nation: USA

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com

Deferred Environmental Restoration, Pipeline Dredging contract

Solicitation Number: W9126G-16-B-0024

Notice Type: Award

Contractor Awarded Name: Weeks Marine, Inc.

Contract Award Number: W9126G-16-C-0058

Contract Award Dollar Amount: $26,571,750.00

Work Description:
There are two options for Deferred Environmental Restoration (DER), Pipeline Dredging, Deep and Shallow Draft Channels.
Option No. 1 includes DER Houston Ship Channel Retention Dike; Dredging of an estimated quantity of 421.000 CY. The completion time is 42 days after acknowledgement of NTP.
Option No. 2 for the Maintenance Dredging of the Bayport Channel of an estimated 500,000 CY. Option No. 2 completion time is 50 days after acknowledgement of NTP.

Post Date: September 20, 2016

Archive Date: October 5, 2016

Nation: USA

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.

Murrells Inlet, SC Maintenance Dredging


Solicitation Number: W912HP-16-B-0003

Notice Type: Award

Contractor Awarded Name: Orion Marine Construction, Inc.

Work Description:
The work consists of maintenance dredging approximately 585,000 cubic yards of unclassified material from Murrells Inlet, Georgetown County, South Carolina shall be deposited at nearby Garden City Beach and at the west end of the south jetty on Huntington Beach State Park. The work includes before and after surveys of the beach areas and monitoring structures adjacent to Garden City Beach during construction.

Tender Value: $5,597,405

Post Date: September 16, 2016

Due Date: October 3, 2016

Nation: USA

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.