Morro Bay Harbor Maintenence Dredging
Solicitation Number: W912PL-16-B-0007
Notice Type: Solicitation
Work Description:
Project will consist of dredging of material from the federal navigation channels in Morro Bay Harbor, specifically the sand trap, Navy and Morro channels, with placement of the dredge material in the surf zone along Morro Strand State Beach, located north of Morro Rock, or a nearshore placement site, located south of the Morro Bay Harbor entrance, depending on the offerors equipment. Dredging of Morro Bay Harbor will occur between the months of September – February with depths ranging from -25′ MLLW to -12′ MLLW. Dredging will take place inside the harbor which is protected by a breakwater. Placement at the nearshore placement site will occur in an open ocean environment. Placement at the surf zone along Morro Strand State Beach has historically occurred via temporary pipeline.
Tender value: $1,000,000.00 – $5,000,000.00
Post Date: September 10, 2016
Due Date: N/A
Nation: USA
The tender information is collated by – Dredging Pipeline Supplier.