Waterway dredging in Germany

Tender Ref No: 295733-2018

Tender Details: Open Procedure. Reference No: 2018 / 111 / 007

Profile: Dredging Works of waterways. Lot 1: dredging 86 000 m3 of mobile soils (sand / silt), moving to the landfill site in the Baltic Sea (distance up to 34 km), relocating; Lot 2: excavate 11,000 m3 of mobile soils (sand / silt), wash them by sea to the flushing field in Wismar (distance up to 64 km). The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://www.evergabe-online.de/tenderdetails.html?id=204992

Project Period: Start: 29/10/2018 – End: 12/04/2019

Project Stage: Tenders Invited

Project Period: Start: 29/10/2018 – End: 12/04/2019

Dated: 10/07/2018

Tender Deadline: 05/09/2018 – 14:00 Hrs

Area: Germany, Lübeck

Promoter: Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Lübeck, 111, Moltkeplatz 17, Lübeck, 23566, Germany

Tel: +49 451-62080; E-mail: WSA-Luebeck@wsv.bund.de

The tender information is collated by Globaldredge.com – Dredging Pipeline Supplier

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